Attractions Catering Consultancy Advice – Eureka!

Montfort Catering Consultants are supporting Eureka! Science + Discovery with a catering scoping exercise, to determine the future strategic, operational and conceptual parameters for the future café and wider visitor food and beverage offer.

Eureka! Science + Discovery will be a brand new visitor attraction currently being designed for the Seacombe Ferry Terminal, Merseyside. This ambitious £11.7m project will extend the reach and impact of Eureka! The National Children’s Museum.

The project is being turned in to reality by the team from Eureka! The National Children’s Museum. Eureka! is an extraordinary fun-packed day out for kids aged 0-11 years. The site in Halifax, West Yorkshire, has six unique zones to discover – each filled with hundreds of interactive exhibits designed to inspire enquiring minds.

Eureka! Science + Discovery will take over the buildings which currently house Seacombe Ferry Terminal and Spaceport, linked by ferry to the Liverpool Waterfront. The innovative plans bring together the playful child-centred approach of Eureka! The National Children’s Museum with 21stcentury science and discovery centre innovation.

The proposed plans include exhibits and activities designed to boost STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) skills in local children and young people, supporting key areas of the regional growth strategy such as low carbon, advanced manufacturing, life and health sciences, digital and innovation.

Opening in 2022, the target audience of 8 – 14 year olds is slightly higher than that for Eureka! The National Children’s Museum.

Unlike Eureka! The National Children’s Museum, Halifax the café located within the new venue, Seacombe Ferry Terminal will also be open to the public providing wider opportunities including those from ferry passengers.

We are also providing benchmarking and business planning advice as well as additional support to determine the most advantageous management and governance model.

If you are looking for a catering consultant to support you develop catering within a new attraction or would like your existing catering reviewing and developing do get in touch to discuss how we could support you.

Posted on October 1st, 2021