Ludlow Assembly Rooms – Concept Definition & Catering Tender

Ludlow Assembly Rooms (LAR) is an independent charity providing a mixed arts programme and community centre for the population of Ludlow and surrounding areas.

LAR opened its doors in May 1993 in the restored and updated buildings of the former Assembly Rooms, dating from 1840. Since then the programme has expanded beyond all expectations, and there is now a film or live event almost every night of the year. The building is very popular and well used, with an estimated footfall of 200,000 per year.

Ludlow Assembly Rooms is embarking on a £2 million transformation project. The planned refurbishment will transform the venue, including a new café bar, box office and visitor information centre, tiered seating in the auditorium (c. 300), a second screening room, and a flexible meeting/ rehearsal space. In addition, a new lift will make the building more accessible, with photovoltaics to the roof helping to reduce energy usage.

The reopening of the redeveloped building is programmed for spring 2019.

Ludlow Assembly RoomsMontfort Catering Consultants are very excited to once again be working with Ludlow Assembly Rooms as well as Lyndon Goode Architects. Our scope on this occasion includes supporting with defining the future concept for the new café bar and undertaking a competitive catering tender to appoint a catering partner to manage the café bar as well as event spaces. Further, working with our catering design partner we are supporting with the development of the design elements for the café bar, kitchen and related areas.

Montfort Catering Consultants

Posted on July 17th, 2018